Our entire supply chain is managed by a Certified B-corporation supplier to ensure that every supplier we work with priorities and respects human rights.
Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.
The B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose.

Our supplier Bergman Riviera implements a GOTS Certified process, starting from the transformation of raw materials, production, packaging, labeling, export, import and distribution. This standard is the most demanding and updated on the latest sustainable textile trends in environmental practices and fair trade, and controls the use of eco-friendly inputs that do not jeopardise the workers and the final consumer.

Fair Trade Enterprises prioritize people and the planet. This means to pioneers solutions to important issues like overuse of natural resources, women’s empowerment, human rights, inequality and sustainable farming.
Fair Trade certified organizations like our supplier support organic agriculture, generate new models of social enterprise and create new ways to champion the dignity of workers, farmers, artisans and communities around the world.

The Department of Agriculture of the United States of America- National Organic Program (NOP) develops, implements and administers the national production standards, handling and labeling of Organic agricultural products. NOP standard also confirms the certifier bodies (international and local) that are in charge of conducting audits of productions and operations that comply with this standard.
The Department of Agriculture of the United States (NOP) certifies that our organic Cotton fulfills the USDA standard requirements, persevering biodiversity, not using genetically modified seeds, synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Our t-shirts are made by the 3rd organic cotton producer in the world to have obtained this certification.
Regenerative Agriculture describes farming and grazing practices that among other benefits reverse climate change.These practices help to rebuild organic soil matter and to restore its biodiversity.By Implementing this method results in the land being able to retain carbon dioxide emissions and water.It is based on 3 fundamental principles: Soil Health, Animal Welfare and Fair Trade

The European Union bases its organic agriculture program in the Regulation EC 834/2007 that regulates the production, management and labeling of the organic products through the European Union.