Quality and Comfort

Pima Cotton
Nowadays; Our main Supplier BERGMAN RIVERA has two projects of white and one of color grown cotton, which support more than 160 families across three different valleys in Peru.
Bergman Rivera is proud to be the first company in Latin America to be certified under Global Organic Textile Standard (G.O.T.S), from the field to the finished garment. This certification not only guarantees the traceability of the organic cotton used, but also our standard of fair treatment to every person involved in the production chain. This assures sustainability in all of the processes and the respect for the environment.

pima cotton
Conventional cotton is one of the most polluting crops in the world, contributing 16% of all the insecticides used in the world and 6% of all pesticides. Many of these have been identified as cancer-producing agents. Most of the plagues develop immunity to these products in a period of 5 to 6 years, this is why the companies are forced to develop more powerful and toxic chemicals. All these chemicals endanger the lives of farmers and their families, as well as all the humans that use cotton products, because most of these toxins never are eliminated.
Organic cotton has the advantage of being produced in a land free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and defoliants; being different from conventional cotton